Before the story begins...
- August: Robert Gibson (Jake's father) and Robert Ecker (Henry's father) fight together at the Battle of Oriskany
- End of the American Revolution. Loyalist refugees (United Empire Loyalists) including Robert Gibson settle in the Niagara peninsula.
- The Constitution Act creates Upper Canada; John Graves Simcoe appointed as Lieutenant-Governor
- November: First parliament of Upper Canada is convened by Governor Simcoe in Newark (now Niagara-on-the-Lake).
- Upper Canada parliament moves to York (now Toronto).
- Jay's Treaty: British abandon Fort Niagara and begin to build Fort George on the other side of the river.
- Joe Willcocks arrives in York from Ireland and fits into the Upper Canada establishment.
- Brigadier General Isaac Brock arrives in Canada with the 49th Regiment of Foot.
- Joe Willcocks becomes involved in opposition politics
- Joe Willcocks' friend, William Weekes killed in a duel by William Dickson
- Joe Willcocks begins publishing a newspaper, the Upper Canada Guardian.
- Joe Willcocks elected to the Upper Canada Assembly.
- Naval battle between the Leopard and the Chesapeake nearly brings Britain and the United States to war.
- James Madison becomes President of the United States. War Hawks in Congress call for the invasion of Canada.
- In the Upper Canada assembly, Joe Willcocks leads the parliamentary oppostition to Governor Gore.
- With the departure to England of Governor Gore, General Brock is appointed as Administrator of Upper Canada.
Brothers at War
- February: Jake Gibson and Eli McCabe meet at a snowball fight beneath the walls of Fort George; General Isaac Brock helps rescue Jake from the frozen Niagara River.
- March: Jake and Eli visit General Brock. They swear an oath of allegiance to each other as blood brothers.
- June: death of Jane Gibson (Jake's mother) and Charlotte (his sister).
- September: Jake goes to work for Mr. Willcocks at the Upper Canada Guardian.
- December: McCabe tannery burns to the ground -- arson suspected.
- February: Mr. Willcocks takes Ginger to York.
- May: General Brock dissolves the Upper Canada assembly and calls an election.
- May: General Brock asks Joe Willcocks and Robert Gibson to negotiate with the Iroquois on his behalf.
- June: Joe Willcocks is re-elected.
- June: the McCabe family returns to the United States
- June: the United States declares war on Great Britain.
A Hanging Offence
August 1812
- Jacob goes with Father and Mr. Willcocks to the Mohawk Village.
- Jacob makes friends with Ronhnhí:io (pronounced Loon-heel-yo), He has a Good Spirit.
October 1812
- October 12 -- Jacob and Father stop at Queenston en route to a visit to the Lovelace family in St. Davids.
- Jacob meets Abby and Georgina Lovelace.
- October 13 -- Battle of Queenston Heights
- October 16 -- General Brock's Funeral
- Eli is arrested.
- Eli is charged with treason.
November 1812
- Jacob, Eli and Mina make plans for Eli's escape.
December 1812
- Robert Gibson marries Emma Lovelace.
Blood Oath
May 1813
- May 27 -- American army led by Colonel Winfield Scott lands near Newark and captures Fort George.
- Eli is billeted in the Gibson family
- May 31 -- Joe Willcocks returns to Newark and asks Jacob to hide him.
June 1813
- June 1 -- American army, under the command of generals Chandler and Winder, set out in pursuit of the retreating British. Eli and Joe Willcocks accompany them.
- June 6 -- Battle of Stoney Creek.
- June 9 -- American army returns to Fort George
- June 23 -- Jacob meets Laura Secord
- June 24 -- Battle of Beaver Dams
- June 27 -- Eli and Jacob meet with William and Henry on the field of honour.